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Jessica Wehner, M. Ed.

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[mit Maik Hoops]: Conference Report „Labeling and the Management of Displacement – Current Research on 'Displaced Persons' and 'Heimatlose Ausländer' in the Aftermath of World War II”, in: H-Soz-Kult, 08.02.2022, URL: https://www.hsozkult.de/conferencereport/id/tagungsberichte-9301

[mit Maik Hoops]: Tagungsbericht „Labeling and the Management of Displacement – Current Research on 'Displaced Persons' and 'Heimatlose Ausländer' in the Aftermath of World War II”, in: nghm-hypotheses, 13.12.2021, URL: https://nghm.hypotheses.org/?p=3458


[mit Lukas Hennies]: Krieg – Psyche – Trauma. Displaced Persons zwischen Elektroschock und Vermittlung ins Resettlement, in: nghm-hypotheses, 26.04.2021, URL: https://nghm.hypotheses.org/2916.